Joining a club or Associations has several advantages. They are a wealth of knowledge in the sport of Snowmobiling. They can provide you with information on the laws in your area, well groomed trails, and also available safety classes.
Meeting New Friends and Associates
Quite often when people hold a common interest, it promotes comradely. It can lead to lasting long term relationships. It can also create a feeling of fulfillment and happiness.
Special Events
When you are a member of a club or Association they hold special events that can be a lot of fun. For example a poker run, hosted BBQ events, invitations to other social events.
Clubs are responsible for clearing and creating trails, installing stop signs and directional arrows.
You are required to pay a fee to join a club. This fee benefits the snowmobilers as it is used to pay trail groomers, used towards insurance and trail developments.
With some organizations you may benefit from discounts on hotels, trail permits, and sponsoring businesses
Riding with a club has a lower accident rate. It is safer to ride with others, rather than alone. Club members also tend to be aware of riding issues.